You can't make people spend money that they haven't got. You can't force someone to buy something against their own will. You can't even force someone to buy what is far too expensive. But this is why the UK economy has been slumping, for years and years. We keep going in and out of deeper recessions, because our politicians have been sending our Industries abroad. Our country depends on good strong Industries, for our economy to thrive. Even I know this, and I'm not even an economist.
Yes, it's true that many people have been borrowing money. But this is only the tiny scale of it. Our politicians have been playing up for years. They've been behaving like spoilt little bolshies. The way the British Government treat UK citizens, is absolutely appalling. The figures are compleatly wrong. What you are being told on the TV is a pack of lies. They just want to scare everyone, by creating a society controlled by fear. It's true. The TV can be a good thing, as well as it can also be a bad thing. TV can educate as well as spreading lies and rumours.
You have to make up your own mind. You have the choice. You can either listen to them all, as well as go mad with them all. Or you can switch off your TV and educate your brain, with something most incredible. They will only get at you, if you listen and pay too much attention. The media have always complained, whatever anyone is doing. It's none of their buisness what you are doing. If you are having sex in your own home. It's nothing to do with anyone at all. You have a mind of your own, so use it. Do not abuse your own mind.
It's OK to watch a DVD, or a comedy program that you want to see. It's OK to buy what you feel comfortable with. Even if you want to spoil yourself. It's sod all to do with any facist hypocritical, and sanctimonious politician or government. I think that it's high time government departments, kept their noses out of the lives of other people. If we were all left to get on with our own lives, without governments interfering. Then the world would be a much better, and safer place to live in. We all know it's wrong for disabled people to be treated unfairly. But sadly in 2011 it is still happening. The system needs to be changed. And the only way we can do this, is by rising up against the unfair systems of justice etc. Money doesn't have to be an objective, or compulsory.