Wednesday, 29 December 2010

Lies Damn Lies by Mark Parry.

When we were all children, we were always read stories in class, about Fairies and Elves.  Then when we became teenagers, we were kicked up the backside by the same adults, that read us our fantasy stories.  It's the same way in the selfish neurotypical world.  And here is how it is done.

During the First and Second world wars, we had what is called Propaganda.  This Propaganda is now called Politics. Politics ruins lives, many lives.  It destroys the bond between the poor and the rich.  It also ruins many opportunities for the poor, and the disabled.  One Government in power has to fix the mess, that the last useless Government made. 

But it's the poor that looks after the needs of the rich.  We all keep them in their world of Hedonistic Funk.  Whatever politicians say on the TV, it proves they are always two faced hypocrites.  It's like the two sides of a coin.  One side of the coin contradicts the other.  Your dreams are compleatly shattered by constant adult failures.  It would take many lifetimes to get the same power, as what the politicians may seem to own.  It would take a poor person twenty odd lifetimes, to gain a million pounds. 

I do not think for one moment, that the poor are being treated fairly.  The riots in London are just a taste of what is to come.  Even The Metropolitan Police are as corrupt as a bent two pence piece.  The Tories are ruining Great Britain.  They hate absolutely everything that stands for progress.  They kill the dreams of the innocent, by bringing the bad laws of the past, back in through the backdoor.  And they all wonder why Terrorism is a big issue, in the news today.  Violence erupts because politicians start wars. 

On a happier note.  I will end by saying, this coalition Government won't last the next two years.  The majority of British people want change.  But it has to be a fair system of change, that involves everybody.  The Government don't want that.  They'd rather see the poor sitting in the cold, and starving of food and water. 

The Banks and Building Societies are the same.  The coalition Government wants to make it easier for us all to give to charity.  The Government don't want to be charitable.  It's the Government that's making profit from Charities.  Now they want us all to contribute towards Charity, via our credit cards.  Doesn't that say a lot?  You'll have secret Slush-funds, that Bank managers can dip into, to put cash into their own pockets.  There is always a con with Toies in power.  We have all been Con/Demned.

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